Saturday 1 February 2014

How to Lose Weight Fast.

            Weight loss is a subject of interest in the contemporary world due to the epidemic proportions of the nutritional disorder termed obesity. Obesity is mainly caused by consumption of more calories than the body needs. Thus, the most common advice given to a person who wants to lose weight is that he/she should exercise more in order to burn more calories, and, that he/she should consume fewer calories. There are a number of ways of losing weight fast as explained below.
One should consume high-calorie meals once per week, and, during the remainder of the week, he/she should eat low-calorie meals. This ensures that the feeling of deprivation of fatty meals and the consequent binging is kept under control.
For those people who are addicted to high-calorie foods, and, they don’t want to forgo them, they should consume lots of fruits and vegetables alongside the high-calorie foods. The fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals that are formed during fat metabolism in the body.
After breakfast, one should drink ample amounts of water instead of carbonated drinks during the day. Sugary drinks lack nutritional value, but they do add unnecessary calories in the body. Maintaining a food diary that records everything that one has consumed helps to monitor the calorie intake.     
Increasing the horizontal distance (walking) and/or vertical distance (climbing stairs) that one covers each day reduces the accumulation of calories in the body. A pedometer can be used to monitor the distance covered.
One needs to adjust the eating habits to cater for the consumption of fewer calories. A person can take small amounts of meals frequently instead of the three large meals as the norm. This causes the body to release less insulin thus stabilizing the blood sugar levels. This ultimately reduces hunger.
Jogging for 30 minutes a day burns enough calories from the body thus reducing the overall body weight in the long-term. One can also find an online weight-loss partner because studies have shown that an online weight-loss partner can help a person lose more weight than the weight-loss partners that one meets face to face.
Colors do affect a person’s appetite. Blue colors are appetite suppressants thus one can reduce craving for food by serving the food on blue plates. Yellow, orange and red colors enhance appetite and they should be avoided whenever possible.
One can monitor his/her weight by ensuring that the wardrobe has only clothes that fit the target body size. This is an incentive for one to maintain the appropriate body figure. One can also downsize the dinner plates in order to consume less meal. One can serve meals restaurant style rather than the family style, thus if one finishes the food on the plate, he/she cannot go for a second serving.
Some people hang mirrors directly opposite the dining table. This acts as a constant reminder that one is trying to lose weight thus limiting the consumption of food.
Increase the proportion of water-rich vegetables in the meals. One can also consume vegetables in order to bulk up the meals.
Drink less carbonated drinks or consume less fatty foods per day. Brown rice and whole grain breads can substitute white foods, for example, white rice and white flour. Drink ordinary coffee instead of the fancy coffee provided in coffee cafes. The fancy coffee contains sugary syrups, whipped cream and excess sugar that are detrimental to one’s health. When preparing for breakfast, use non-powdered milk. Also, for the five days of the week, one should consume cereals during breakfast.
A person should remove a third of the amount of meal served and consume the remaining two-thirds. This is because most meals served nowadays are in excess of the required amounts. It is recommended that one should eat almost all the meals at home instead of restaurants as this reduces the amount of caloric intake. One should also prefer prepared foods with lower calorie levels than those with higher caloric content. Eating slowly in tranquility is highly recommended as it allows the brain to timely inform the person when he/she is satisfied.
A person should identify other ways of relieving stress or anxiety other than binge eating. More importantly, a person trying to lose weight should have a positive outlook and appreciate the achievements of weight loss rather than worry over weight increase. One should identify the point of preference for their diets as this helps to lessen cravings for junk foods.
Use spicy flavorings such as salsa and hot sauce which stimulate the digestive system instead of butter or margarines. It is recommended that one eats fruits instead of drinking fruit juices. One can also consume equal amounts of grains and vegetables during dinner.
Pacing about the office or home exercises the body. Also, washing any material thoroughly once per week helps to exercise the muscles. One is also encouraged to have active social outings.
When ordering for food, always order the smallest portion of that food. One can also substitute regular milk by skimmed milk. Before dinner, one can take a walk as this reduces the appetite. Dieticians recommend taking nuts instead of sugary snacks as this reduces the calorie intake. If one buys prepared dinners, it is recommended that he/she buys pre-portioned dinners. Eating cold dinners reduce the amount of meal consumed. It is not advisable to eat with a large crowd as one ends up consuming more food.
One should reduce the duration that he/she spends watching television, and, instead use that time to do simple aerobic exercises. It is recommended that a person consumes most of the calories before noon so that they are burned during the rest of the day. Avoid late evening eating. One can sniff certain foodstuffs such as peppermint, bananas or apples when hungry. Sniffing tricks the brain into thinking that one is actually eating the foodstuff. To limit wine intake, always order wine in a glass. Always shop for nutritious foodstuffs. Brush the teeth after every meal as this informs the mind that meal time is over. Finally, always consume low-fat yoghurt.
The above 50 ways of losing weight can be easily applied within both closed and open environments.

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