Wednesday 9 July 2014


Smith has assisted thousands of people discover their true purpose.
For me, my WHY has always been my inner drive.  As the seventh oldest child of eleven siblings, growing up in a dysfunctional family where both of my parents were alcoholics and drug addicts; I knew I had to escape. When I was five, I often dreamt of how I was going to get out of that toxic environment. I began to count down the years until I graduated high school. You see I felt a deep responsibility to my siblings especially those younger than me. As planned, two months after I graduated high school, I joined the Army.
            After spending eight years in the military I decided to start a family… and my why changed. It’s that same WHY that fuels me today.  Your why is your motivation it’s what makes you get up every morning with a purpose for living.  Throughout my travels across the country I’ve met many people who felt like they didn’t have a purpose for being here on this earth.  Sometimes when I see a homeless person on the street, I think they must have forgotten they were a winner.  Because they beat all of the other sperms to get here, that alone made them winners. When you discover your WHY or as I like to call it your Definite Purpose, it’s imperative that you make sure it’s clear and concise. When it’s clear your motivation becomes easy. In life you don’t get what you want, you get what you picture.  What I’m saying is this; you have to visualize yourself already in the house of your dreams, or driving that fancy car that you always wanted or sending your children to the best school.  When you picture this it’s easy to put it on paper and make it a goal. Once you discover your why or whatever fuels you to wake up in the morning, you tend to move with a sense of urgency and purpose. For me I wake up in the morning and prior to getting out of bed I say to myself, “thank you universe for another day to start over.”  I then start my day with meditation. When I am done meditating and sending love and feeling gratitude, I begin to complete my daily productivity planner.  I use my planner to identify people I will contact and projects I will focus my energy toward. I now have a plan in place for the type of people that I choose to WILL into existence to join my opportunity. Now that you have visualized your dreams and what you feel you deserve, now it’s time to set some goals. Lets jump right in and take a look at the 10 steps to identifying your why.  Your why is going to be different from your neighbor or your friend’s why.  Your why is unique to your personal situation.
#1. Understanding your inner drive behind your actions.  Now when I say understanding the inner drive behind your actions, I’m talking about the thoughts that you think about everyday that propel you to have a burning desire to want to change your life.  Here’s the deal, your thoughts become your feelings and your feelings become your actions and your actions will bring your results.  So therefore it’s important to understand why you are not doing what you know must be done to achieve your goals.   If your why is to have a better life then you cannot just state all you want is a better life, because it doesn’t work like that.  It’s imperative that you break that down to what you really mean. 
Does it mean a better car, a better house, traveling the world, or a better education for your children?  You have to be clear on what your why is because it’s your fuel or reason for getting up in the morning. 
Step #2 Why your why is so important! If you know what your why is, then your how doesn’t matter.  If your why is strong enough then the “how” doesn’t matter even if the odds are stacked against you.  Most people will never achieve success because they go along with what society says about the odds. The odds says, most people will never become a millionaire.  The odds say, most people will never have a net worth of over a million dollars.  The odds say, only 7% of the population will only make a six-figure income.  The odds say, most people will never live their dreams.  When you’re an entrepreneur you are what I call an outlaw, because you don’t care what the odds say or if the odds are stacked against you and you don’t abide by the rules.  I had the odds stacked against me as a child, because when I was growing up, I used to hear my grandmother, aunts and uncles tell my mother that none of my siblings were going to make anything of their lives. My brothers were in and out of juvenile since they were young.  But I was determined not to become a statistic.  I didn’t care what they said or how the odds were stacked against us as a family.
When you decide to be an out of the box thinker, the facts or the odds don’t matter.  Odds or facts are for people who are logical and for people who think on the right side of their brain.  As a child, I always considered myself different from my other siblings.  What I really love about entrepreneurs is that we are all outside the box thinkers and we are not looking for a hand out from the government or a job, we pave our own way to freedom and will not be denied. 
As an entrepreneur you have to have what I call Rhino skin because a Rhino’s has four inch thick skin.  They charge through the jungle and they don’t let anything or anybody stand in their way.  Just like a Rhino, an entrepreneur must have think skin to overcome obstacles and charge through the jungle of life. During your journey or the process, your friends and family are going to want you to stay back with them where it’s safe. They’ll say things like, “ you should get a job, grow up, stop dreaming. Why? Because they are afraid of taking chances in life and want to project their insecurities onto you. But as outlaws, we understand cause and effects. We understand when we control the causes we intrepidly control the effects. We also know that we are going to be tested to think outside of the box.  You see when you are an outlaw; you are what I call psychologically unemployable.  I’m psychologically unemployable because I don’t like my time being controlled.  I like waking up when I’m done sleeping and I despise being controlled by an alarm clock or a boss.  I did that for twenty years because I had to. The moment I decided to make a bold and vertical move by retiring from the military, I was offered a six-figure income job working with the government. I gracefully decline.  Most people thought I was crazy for declining the highest rank you can go as an enlisted Soldier and making the decision to step out on what you call I FAITH.  Faith stands for Forward Action In Trusting In Him.
I made a decision prior to leaving the military I was going to become a full time entrepreneur.  It was a decision to this day that I don’t regret.  I haven’t worked a job since 2005.  Now I’m not saying that nothing is wrong with a job, but a job will not provide you with the freedom you deserve.  You will never get rich working a job in somebody else’s dream.  Ask yourself this, what would you do if you owned your life?  What would you do if money was not an issue?  Poor and middle class people think different than wealthy people.  I say this because all my life I was told to go to school, get a good job, penny pinch and you will be alright somewhere down the road.  Well how far down the road do I have to travel?  With this type of mentality I’d have to travel to Timbuktu twice, walking with one leg and no crutches.
I used to sit in class and listen to people complain about their jobs and the people they work with. I hear poor and middle class people complain about their salary and how unhappy they are because they are not paid what they are worth.  My reply is, “in whose opinion?”   I’m sure your employer feels that you are being compensated fairly. How come you don’t get off your salary treadmill and take a step out on faith and asked to be paid on your performance? Or better yet why don’t you open up your own business and stop looking for a handout from your employer?  That way you will know you are being paid what you are worth?  I’m sure you know that kind of advice didn’t set well with them. I’m also sure they are terrified of stepping out on faith and testing their true value in the marketplace.  Most poor and middle class people are.
Step #3 Understand that playing it safe does not equate to success. Most people have a fear of being stretched and forced out of their comfort zone or their talent because in society they’ve been conditioned to play it safe. So they settle for a steady pay check every week because their past programming tells them this is the normal way to receive an income. Go to work and exchange time for money instead of putting sweat equity in building their own empire. It’s difficult to create wealth when you have a job and the government is taking more than half of what you earn.  On the other hand rich people know how to limit their taxable income by controlling what the government takes. By doing so, they free up more money to create more wealth. As an entrepreneur, you get to save a big portion of your money because of the loses from your business. They believe in free enterprise and that there isn’t a cap to the amount of money they can earn.  They believe they can have their cake and eat it to.  As for myself, I like waking up in the morning when I’m done sleeping.  When you reach a point in your life when you say to yourself I will not be denied. This is when you start to say NO to people who don’t deserve or warrant your time.  This is when you start to let go of the drama, and you start to say to yourself, NO matter what happens I’m never going back, and I’m going to keep moving forward regardless of the obstacles or the situation in which I find myself in, and I’m going to keep fighting the fight. You’ll start to reach a point of No return. 
In business you have to go to war first, then build the bridge.  Don’t wait until the bridge is built to go to war. I meet so many people who find excuses for not moving forward with their business and they wonder why their bank account hasn’t changed.  When it comes to making a decision to go all in with your business, my advice is to jump off the cliff and grow your wings on your way down.  While I was in the Army, I made a conscious decision that I was going all in one hundred percent as a mompreneur.  As a mompreneur, I desired to spend more time with my kids while they were still young. When the Army controlled my time, I found myself late picking my kids up from school which resulting in me feeling like I was not living up the standards I had set for myself and not being the parent I thought they deserved. 
Now I could have played it safe and I could have used the excuse that I couldn’t spend quality time with my kids because of my job.  But I didn’t allow an excuse to stand in my way of creating wealth for my family.  Because all an excuse is, is a well rehearsed lie.  I hear people say things like; I’ll quit my job when I’m making the same amount of income from my business. You can’t to go through life tip toeing and playing it safe all the time.  I’m talking about you’ve got make a decision to get out of the bleachers and into the playing field, because that’s what life is all about.  At some point in life you will be required to jump off the cliff with no wings and grow your wings on the way down. Just believe and trust in yourself enough that your going just glide to earth on what you might call flow motion.  That’s why we are called human beings, because we are being in the moment.  You must be willing to take the risk for the reward in life.  You can’t learn to swim just by just sticking your big toe in the water.  The only way your going to learn to swim is to dive in with no regrets and don’t look back.  Don’t worry about what people are going to say about you, because it’s a fact they will talk about you regardless.  As an entrepreneur, there is no blue print or handbook on how this industry works.  I say this because you literally learn as you go.  In other words, you are learning by what I call baptism by fire. The bottom line is this, you can have the best system, a great compensation plan, a great company, a great website and even a champion mentor but if you don’t work your business like a business and treat like a hobby, you will get hobby money. Let me give you an example; one day I had just signed up in a network marketing company and my support channel had assisted me in giving me my first two presentations and on the third presentation I couldn’t get in touch with my support channel, so I did what all leaders do, I went into my back office and downloaded the company presentation and commenced to giving the presentation myself.  A leader does not wait for someone to assist them with building their business they build it themselves.  Now it wasn’t the greatest presentation, but as I continued to present it over and over again, I got better. I could have used the excuse of me not getting in touch with my support channel as the reason why I couldn’t present the opportunity; instead I jumped in with both feet and made it happen.  I wasn’t afraid of making a mistake or what my audience thought about me. I simply presented the opportunity with enthusiasm and excitement and guess what? They joined my business.
Step #4 The amount of success you achieve in business is in direct in proportion to your WHY.  As I stated earlier, your thoughts leads to your feeling and your feelings lead to your actions and your actions lead to your results.  If it’s a house that you desire then you have to visualize or picture yourself already in that house.  And not just visualize it, start going out to the neighborhood where you would like to live in and picture yourself in the house you would like to live in.  Walk through some of the houses that are for sale. Is it a brick house or a stucco house? Is it a one level or a two level? Do you want the house built? If so, you have to see yourself picking out the light fixtures, the carpet, down to the color of the paint as well as what type of brick you want it to be.  The problem with most people is they forgot how to dream and not just dream they forgot how to dream big. There’s a magazine called the Rob Report, and in this magazine it has the top of the line houses, watches, cars, all kinds of things. It’s a great visual tool   That’s why it’s important to understand that the success you achieve is in direct proportion to the strength of your why, because it will show by your behavior of what you do daily with your business.  Because you’re why is truly what fuels you will to succeed as an entrepreneur. During your journey as an entrepreneur, at some point you will began to have a strong enough WILL within you to succeed, and not to let any thing or anybody stand in your way of your success.  While your on your journey note that you are going be tested but you have to have enough perseverance and break through regardless of the circumstances. 

#4 The excitement of Your WHY.  Once you figure out what your why is, this is when you are starting to show excitement as well as some growth.  It’s the reason why you’re exited to wake up every morning to build your business.  This is when you’ve made a decision to get consistent.  I mean consistent to a point to where you are self-motivated.  As a leader you shouldn’t require anybody to call you and tell you to work or jump-start your business.  Because this is the stage when you start to see the fruit of your labor.  This is the stage when the compounding effect sets in and you start to enroll people into your business.  You begin to see success within your organization, to where other people are starting to duplicate what you are doing and they are just as excited as you are.  This is when you start to learn how to call people with a purpose; now when I say with a purpose is when you become what I call a decision collector.  This is the place where your starting to make the necessary phone calls or the phase where you are hosting your own webinars in order to get people in front of the opportunity. And this is the phase where you start to build up your courage.  Your self-esteem and confidence will start to take affect and you business will start to take off and your starting to show some momentum.  This is when you start to feel better about yourself, and you start to send out a telepathic message to people by the way you posture yourself when you talk on the phone or when you walk into a room.  For example; When I was in the military I used to have soldiers tell me that they didn’t like me prior to meeting me because I used to walk around like I owned the building or room that I walked in. 
This all boiled down to how I postured myself as a leader.  I knew my stuff and as a non-commissioned officer I wouldn’t allow anyone to tell me anything different.  You start to say to yourself hmmhmm, this isn’t as hard as I thought it would be.  I think I’m the leader that people deserve to have in their life.  You may not be all the way there but you’ve started to build your self-esteem and confidence up as time goes by.   This is when you start to have a lot of ah ha moments to where you start to get in sync with yourself and the universe.  This is where the growth and compounding effects of your business began to show. What concerns me is that most people don’t have enough belief in themselves to where they can give themselves enough credit for having courage for stepping out in faith when it comes to building their business.  Here’s the deal with courage; Courage is always something that is marketable and never goes out of style in life.   Show me a person with courage and I’ll show you a person with a winners attitude.  Because in life you have to make the decision to become a victim or victorious? You have to have hope in life because without hope you become hopeless Start using words of empowerment instead of words of disempowerment.  I won’t even allow my kids to the say the word can’t, should, want, try.  I despise hearing the word need. 
It’s also imperative that you stop letting events and circumstances shape the way you view life. Learn to drop the drama and the chaos out of your life.  You do this by getting your life organized.  If you clean out your closet and maybe donate all the close you can’t fit to the good will, you will began to see things differently.  Clean our  your car with all the clothes, or books, or even old food out, or your garage, most people can’t even park their car in the garage because it has to much clutter in it.  If I visit a person’s house and if it’s dirty or if they have a cluttered desk in their office, to me this is a direct reflection of what’s going on in your business or your life.  If you clean up some of these areas, you will have less chaos in your life.  Learn how to operate in what I call flow motion and not slow motion.  Doing this will allow you to let go of all the struggle on your life.  Think about it, ask yourself this what clutter can you get rid of in your life at this very moment?  Remember if you put one thing on your plate something else will be required to come off.  You want to get grounded in what your already doing before you move on to something else.  Learn to drop the drama and struggles in your life.  Learn to look at your situations differently in order to receive true growth in your life.  Let go of the drama and start to become the leader people are looking for.  When you start to do this is when you will truly began to have a break through in life, and this is when you will start to have true growth and change your life.  With this new profound breakthrough, is when you start to speak into existence of what you deserve out of life. 
     When you begin to operate from your heart and not from the left side of your brain is when you will really start to see growth.  When you start coming from your heart and not the left side of your brain, because your left side of your brain make you think of everything that is negative about you.  But your right side of your brain is more about how you feel about things.  The main reason why most people fear change because they realize they have to let go of something that they have been believing in your past.  Whatever you’ve been brain washed to think, then you can sure brain wash yourself to think something different. When this happens is when people will start to want to be excited about themselves as well as with you want to partner with you in business.

#5  Your WHY is the fuel. This is when you start to get sharp with your why.  This is when the process will become automatic or just like breathing for you.  This is when you will start to see the new you.  This is when your self talks starts to come into play.  This is when you decided to start speaking a new language to yourself.  This is when you start to believe and deserve that good things can happen to you.  When you start believing this you will begin to feel better about yourself internally. It’s important because at this point is when you must stay in the game long enough to see the results of your why.  While you’re in the process of the journey, you’ll see doors will start to open that you don’t even expect.  You will began to learn how to will things into existence.  Have you ever thought about someone and all of a sudden they called you?  This isn’t a coincidence, because when you learn how to get in sync with the universe you can will anything you desire into existence.  You will be surprised at learning how to will something small into existence will change your life.  For example; The next time you go to the mall say to yourself that you are going to get a parking spot close to the door.

#6  The Law of Attraction – The main reason this starts to happen because you became a better person.  You became the type of people that you deserve to attract to your enterprise. This is when you start to attract better people into your life because you became a better person. At this point you are working your business like never before.  Your excitement is contagious and you are now making things happen in your business.  You’re out there getting it done, your not worried about what people are saying about you. You don’t get into network marketing, because network marketing has to get into you.  At this point that means that it’s in your heart and not your head.  When it’s in your heart and not in your head, you then start to see some a massive amount of break throughs in your business.  The main reason why you are starting to see this breakthrough is because you decided to work on your self-development.  You are to a point to where you understand how and why you think the way you do as well as other people. 
You’re not in the game, because the game is at this point in you.  And when you’re in the game, you start to send a telepathic message to people saying to follow you if they want to be lead to the land of paradise.  You start to poster yourself in such a way to people that you are the leader they have been looking for.  This is when you send a telepathic message that says I can get you to the land of paradise.  The telepathic message exudes out of you that say’s come with me because I’m the one that can lead you there.  I’m the one who can help you with change.  Your coming from the place n your heart that says I a m which is in the movement, the now.  Most people operate telepathically.  You are prosperous, you are a leader, you are changing, you are evolving, you are becoming.  Your why is your fuel.  When this happens,  you know your going to get there.  That’s called trusting in your instincts.  That’s called being in the present.  If you’re not in the present then most likely you are in the past and most past experiences are based on the fact that “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not lovable”.  Which in turn sends a telepathic message that says Please join my business but on the other hand don’t sent me money because I don’t deserve it, or I’m sorry I’m not responsible enough for you. When you do this subconsciously what you’re doing is you are confusing the universe, which will result in you not getting anything.  Most people feel that they are responsible for other people’s success.  You must understand that you are not responsible for anybody but your own actions because all success is voluntary.  The question is this; Are you willing to pay the price to be successful?  What are you willing to give up in life in order to become successful?  There are no free rides in life, because you have to pay your ten dollars at the door like everybody else who have achieved success.

#7  Your WHY of expansion – This is the key component and when it starts to happen you start to have what’s called expansion, because the sum becomes greater than the whole of its parts.  It’s at this point when 2+2 no longer equals 4 they start to equal 20.  That’s what a giant stride is.  Instead of enrolling one person per week, all of a sudden 3-5 starts to sign up.  Instead of people wanting sign up for one of your products they want all of them and all of a sudden 1 person tells 1 friends and you have all these referrals.  This is when you why starts to become crystal clear to a point that you feel like you are unstoppable.  This is when you really start to be versed in the game, and you feel like you are on a roll.
This is where you really start to be in what we call the flow or in flow motion.  Instead, of being a struggleholic, you become an easyologist instead of being a hardoholic.  When your charisma radiates and exudes out of you guess what?  You start to attract, followers.  This is when you start to realize that people are buying into you as a person and not the product.  Here’s the deal when your energy radiates “I am a leader, a grower who develops people this is when people will want to soar like an eagle with you.  This all happens through what is called the why of expansion.  You start changing faster and giant strides start to appear.  This is also when you start letting go of your past drama, and you start practicing forgiveness in yourself as well as in other people.  You learn how to start living in the moment instead of feeling like you have to be in control of everything.  You don’t take everything so personal and you don’t spend time over reacting and having what I call a mini melt down over the smallest things.  You stay away from the politics; the gossip as well as the things that would otherwise suck you dry of your energy.  You don’t let people who are what I call emotional vampires drain you with all of their drama.  You start to understand who you are and who to devote or deserve your time to.    You start to understand the relevance of expansion with time and money.  And you start to understand the key component to being successful really is.  You learn how to turn time into results, your time into money, or time into productive or like minded people.  This is when you learn how not to focus on time management.  Instead you learn how to manage yourself.  Start to develop gratitude and appreciation for going thru the process of the game.  
As you are evolving and growing and changing, you start to respect and understand game of entrepreneurship. You respect the game of expansion.  Start to respect what we do and what we do and the value of what we do because we are literally changing people lives.  Because you understand that your power comes from your inner peace. 

#8 Set backs – What is a set back and how do we deal with it?  Simply put, a set back is a set up for a come back.  It’s  really being able to handle challenges, and being able to over come obstacles, fear anger and roadblocks.  Sometimes set backs can be a physical limitation, procrastination, no money, no leads or prospects and even no funds. This boils down to understanding how poor people think versus how wealthy people think.  Here’s the deal rich people are bigger than their problems, but on the other hand poor people are smaller than their problems.  Let me give you an example; Most people think that getting rich is like a stroll in the park.  But it’s a journey that’s full of setbacks and come backs, it’s a journey full of twists and turns, along with traps and pitfalls.  It’s for this reason why most poor people are not will to take the journey.  They don’t want to deal with the hassles, the headaches as well as the responsibility that comes along with it.  You see folks, therein lies the biggest difference between how poor and middle class people think versus how wealthy people think.  I say this because poor and middle class people will do almost anything to avoid dealing with their problems or issues.  If they even smell a setback or adversity they will immediately run from it.  While they make it a point to run from their problems leads them to their biggest problem, their broke and miserable. In order to gain true wealth it’s important that you learn not to try to avoid or get rid of your problems.  Instead learn how to grow yourself so that you are bigger than any of your problems.  For example; on a scale of one to ten, one being the lowest, just imagine you are a person with a level two strength of character and attitude and you are faced with a level five problem.  Would this problem appear to be big or little to you?  Well from a level two prospective a level five problem would appear to be a big problem.  But on the other hand just imagine that you’ve grown yourself to become a level nine person.  Now would that same level five problem be a big problem or a little problem.  Wow guess what?  Magically that same identical problem is now a small problem.  Also what it you’ve really worked on your self development and now you’ve become a level ten person, would that same level five problem be a big or little problem to you?  Guess what it wouldn’t be any problem to you at all.  As a matter of fact it wouldn’t even register in your brain at all.  It would seem to be part of anything such as brushing your teeth or putting on your clothes.    The bottom line is this; It doesn’t matter if you are wealthy or poor, playing it big or small in life your problems will not go away.  Because in life your in box is always meant to be full.  You’re either coming out a mess, you either in the mist your mess or life or your either coming out of a situation.   Until the dirt is thrown in your face you will always have obstacles, adversity and situations going on in life.  It’s a matter of how you will deal with each situation, which will determine the desired outcome.  In order to receive true wealth you are going to be required to understand how to deal with your big problems in your life all that really means is that you are really being a small person.  Don’t get it twisted because your outer world is merely a reflection of your inner world.  If you really want true growth in your life, then it’s imperative that you stop focusing on the size of your problems and instead start focusing on the size of you. 
     Learn how to take a deep breath and make a decision to start right now in this moment, that you are a bigger person and that you will not allow any obstacle or person to move you from your happiness or success in life.   Because the bigger the problems you can handle, the bigger the business you can handle; the bigger the responsibility you can handle the bigger team mates you can handle, the more customers you can handle the money you can handle which results in the more wealth you can handle.  Understand this, your wealth can on grow to the extent that you do.  The objective to life is to grow yourself to a point to where you are able to overcome any issues or obstacles that come your way of preventing your from creating wealth and keeping it once you have obtained it. 
     How you handle adversity is going to be a big impact on how fast, how quick you get to a position to where your comfortable with yourself and most of all with being in the process. What do you do when adversity set’s in ?  For example; Lets say that you are struggling financially as an entrepreneur in your business, this is what I call this the NFL Club the no funds left. Are you going to shut down your business and run out to get a job and do more of what already isn’t already serving you?  Or are you going to suck it up and put the ball under your butt and bounce back at the world and find a way of overcoming your setback?  I have witness allot people with no money still go out and succeed in spite of the fact that they had no money.  You see that’s just an excuse when people say they are not able to be in the business, because they don’t have the money.  Because if they wanted it bad enough they would go out and get it, It’s just an excuse not to succeed or move forward in life, because it would require them to step out of their comfort zone.  I have found that it is never the money, that holds most people back in starting up their business.   It’s the burning desire within them to find the capital to get started.  It’s their lack of desire to overcome the obstacles that they are faced with.  Money is just a knee jerk response of  telling you no in order to validate for them not to succeed.  This is the point to where your have to be able to change your perception.  You’re always going to have to face adverse situations as long as you are breathing.    Lets take a look at a person who has physical limitations.   If you find yourself being told you couldn’t do something, don’t allow that to stop you from dong what you want to do in life just because someone said you couldn’t do it.  I can remember going to work out at the cross fit gym in the morning and there was a guy there in a wheel chair that was lifting just as much weight as the guys who weren’t in a wheel chair. I look at that guy and said to myself, “What a winner he was.”  I said this because he didn’t allow his situation dictate to him what he could or could not do in life.  He had a will and a burning desire not to be defeated or denied.   The bottom line is this just because someone told you that you couldn’t do something shouldn’t limit you from doing it. 
Because in life just remember this; Heart can beat talent anytime and the right kind of heart can beat any kind of adversity or setbacks in life.   Setback or adversity in life really just boils down to your will and where you resonate or come from a position of I will not be denied, regardless of the circumstances.  Man, when you make a decision that when you are placed in a position to over come any obstacle that is set in front of you nothing is going to get in your way of getting what you feel like you deserve in life.  Let me give you a little insight of where I come from in life.  You see I was brought up in a family where both of my parents were drug addicts and alcoholics.  I had the deck stacked against me as a child but I managed to preserve and I did not allow that to stop me in life.  I was determined to had the will to succeed and not anything or anybody stand in my way.  I joined the Army and made it to the 2nd highest enlisted rank within a short period of time. I took all my money and invested it in people who I thought had my best interest in the mortgage industry and I found out quickly they didn’t.  After spending two years as a loan officer, I opened up my own mortgage company and went on to earn millions of dollars.  After 7 successful years as a mortgage broker, I decided to close my mortgage company and open up C&T Financial Literacy group. Ask yourself this; When you see adversity setting in, do you allow it to take over your life?  Yes, I had a few set backs in life with adversity but I didn’t allow that to hold me back because I changed my perspective on how I looked at the situation. You have to learn how to be resilient like a cat and always land on your feet.  Start learning to ask yourself a series of questions such as; What will I become because of this situation?  Who did I meet? What will I gain? How could I have handled this differently?  How could I have changed the circumstances? How can I change this around? How will this allow me to grow quicker, who will I attract because of this situation?  You see, this is being called objective.  But if your are in the position to where you have to prove you’re right all the time or you have to validate what your doing or you have to seek permission from other people to give you approval, typically you will continue to create what we call self struggle or self sabotage.  As a society we’ve been conditioned to a point that we believe when a person is struggling that it’s normal and that everything has to be hard in order to be successful in life.  This type of thinking is called a hard a holic, or a struggaholic, instead of a easiologist. You see at this point in my life I consider myself an easiologist and not a hardaholic. It allows you to not take situations personally.  Instead of coming from a position of having to defend yourself, or over reacting, it’s better to often agree and see the other person’s perspective.  Start to understand where they’re coming from.  That’s so much more important than being confrontational.  There’s a statement that states: 2 fools arguing is guess what 2 fools just arguing, because nothing is going to be accomplished.  When you learn to come from a position in life that you start to say to people; You be right, I’ll be rich.  I no longer have to be right all the time.  I used to spend much of my life over reacting to certain situations which take away from valuable time that I could have been putting in something else.  Just to prove or show someone that I’m right.  When you do this your coming from a place in your conscious that you’re not good enough and that you have to prove yourself to people that you are lovable.  As a society we’ve been conditioned that love is something that we have to earn in life because as small children we were taught to perform to receive something called love, or at least most of us do.  You see, love is supposed to be unconditional.  It has to come from within your heart with no strings attached.  And when you come from within your heart, that’s when you can really start to get attracted to your reality and when you come from love from your heart it’s when you can have love for other people and love for the game, you start to have love for the journey, love of life and love for going through the process.
That’s when you start to radiate and telepathically send messages through thought waves through the universe that I am a magnet for love.  I am a magnet for peace, for prosperity.  I’m a magnet for assisting people; at succeeding in life I am a Leader.  Because when you are emotionally resilient to challenges, or adversity, and when you are emotionally resilient to failure, then you don’t have to prove that you are worthy or prove that you are lovable. 
Its so powerful but enlightening when you can resonate from this position.  Adversity or emotional resilience is really the courage to prevail. 
Let me give you an example; I’m going to give you some terms that show you how to over come struggles by showing you how to handle setbacks in life or adversity.  Now remember that emotional resilience is the key on how you feel about the present situation of a setback or adversity.  How you feel about what’s happening and what’s in the moment.  Now I didn’t say how you think about it.  Because most people that think, don’t realize it but they are on the left side of their brain which will result in them overthinking and then they start to analyze that it has to be logical or there has to   major reason that this is happening to me.  So jump right in and take a look at a few terms… How about the word catastrophic? How many of you have had a catastrophic situation happen to you in life?  Is that really what you believe to be true?  Was that situation really catastrophic or were you just challenged? A word that will allow you to overcome a catastrophic situation would be the word overcome, letting go, or releasing, and changing your perception.  What about the term victim?  Because the opposite from being a victim is being victorious.  So many people operate from a victim mentality or a woe is me mindset.  That way they can blame everyone, everything, and every situation except the real person that’s responsible.  Instead of being a victim ask yourself how did I attract this to my reality.  You can overcome any obstacle in life if you make a decision to look at it from a different perspective.  Most people are so used to having a pity party about their life so that they can have blame someone or something else for their failures, instead of looking in the mirror at themselves.  When you develop a strong character you start to look at life from a different perspective.  Think about it, most people just go through life just existing.  Have you every called someone and asked them how were they doing and they said something like, I’m making it or I’m all right?  I look at these people as someone who’s just existing in life and not really life to the fullest.  When you are just existing in life your are just operating from living life to the fullest your just living everyday just to keep your head above water.  Your objective in life shouldn’t be just to existing or to just survive.  Your objective in life-to-life like it’s your last day on earth to love life and to thrive.   It’s difficult for me to understand how to people go in life and only exist and not live with a purpose?  As a society most people were taught that being down and to struggle and to live in scarcity in life was a good thing.   If you just exist in life then you aren’t flourishing and thriving and your not living your life to the fullest. When your thriving, your radiating and when your radiating you’re living in the moment and your being creative and your being in the moment.  When you’re thriving this is when situations or opportunities start to find you instead of you struggling to find them.  When you’re just existing, you allow events to shape your life for your.  When this happens you hear average people say things like because my parents were alcoholics and drug addicts I will never be able to make it in life.  Or I don’t have a college degree so there’s no way that I can do what someone has done.   Or I had four failed marriages or I’ve been in five-network marketing companies and I can’t afford to take another risk.  This is what I mean when I say; these are people who let events dictate how they live their lives.  They have a tendency to allow their past to hold them back in life, instead of learning from those mistakes and moving forward.  We all understand that things are going to happen to you in life, but at some point you have to learn how to put those things behind you and move on with your life.  Most people just like holding on to thier past as an excuse for them not to move forward in life.  Think about it, if you were to let go of all the chaos and drama in your life wouldn’t life be a lot easier? Ask yourself this; what chaos no longer serves me?  Does being overwhelmed take me out of the game?  I see a lot of people take on so many commit to three to four network marketing companies they end up getting nothing done because they over commitment.  Then their response to me is that they are creating multiple streams of income.  Typically when someone makes that statement to me they really aren’t making any money in any of them.  I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with creating multiple streams of income, but it’s important that you focus on one thing prior to getting involved in something else.  Otherwise you will end up doing a whole bunch of nothing.  I believe most people do this because they never really want or believe they can succeed subconsciously.  They don’t realize that they are just setting themselves up for failure because of fear of success. 
When you start to operate from a state peace an no drama is when things really start to change for you.  Most people struggle with this because they resist  change.  They resist change because they feel as though their life is coming to an end.    The reason why most people resist change is because they would be ending a new era.  Think about it; that’s the main reason why so many people hold on to their past is because that’s all they know and to make a change would pull them out of their comfort zone.  But all you have to do is change your perception, because there can be no growth without risk.  And to be able to grow you are going to be forced to deal with adversity or set-backs in life.  Anytime you are doing something new in life don’t expect things to always go the way you planned it.  When you learn how to embrace change so many things will start to manifest in your life that you won’t believe it.  I’m not just talking about financially; I’m talking about, spiritual, emotional, physical and so many other situations.  When you learn how to operate from your heart and not your head, you will become the leader that people are looking for in life.  When you have a belief of certainty and when you have a strong conviction or a strong will about what you are doing, that’s when nothing or no one can stand in your way.  When you have a strong enough reason to succeed in life, a reason to overcome setbacks and when you start to have breakthroughs in life is when you really start living and appreciating the finer things that life has to offer.  A breakthroughs is when you’re able to see an obstacle in front of you and you sat to yourself I will not allow this to defeat me under any circumstances.  I will succeed even if it kills me, because I’m a survivor.  You know and feel this way because it’s coming from your heart and when it’s in your heart you start to create what you call a paradigm shift.  A paradigm shift is when something inside of you tells you it’s time to do something different in order to get something different.  This is when you told yourself to get past what is considered normal to everybody else.  Here’s the deal with society they want to dictate to you how you should feel or act.  But when the pain is great enough is typically when people will change.  But most people live their lives to avoid the short term of change, so they end up settling for just enough.  If all you have is enough how can you possibly help somebody else?  This is the main reason why most people contradict themselves and never fully commit to the process.  They things like; I hope, I wish, I’ll try, I might, If only I could.   If you have a burning desire to succeed in life you must be able to step out of your comfort zone or your talent and not worry about what somebody else is going to say about you.  It’s imperative that you be able to make breakthroughs and not be so concerned about a set back.  You are going to have to bet all of your money on you, by trusting what’s in your heart.  Learn to have enough vision to be about to live in the present, let your past go and learn to have enough vision to borrow from your future.  Because when you can operate from a sense of passion and you’re radiating from your heart is when doors will start to open up for you people will want to follow you because you will start to send a telepathic message that you are the leader that people are looking for.  This all starts to happen because you are starting to operate from your heart and not your head. 

Tuesday 8 July 2014


It is also referred to as drug rehab center. Its main functions are to treat dependency on psychoactive drugs, treatment of behavioral compulsions, and aftercare monitoring in order to ensure total addiction recovery. It also offers alcohol rehab, alcohol relapse help, addiction rehab, chronic relapse help and also alternative drug rehab. Its overall aim is to improve the mental health of the addict in order to ensure that the former addict can be able to interact appropriately within drug-free settings. It also assists the community in that an addict who has been successfully treated can be re-integrated into the community.
An addiction treatment center does manage both addictions and behavioral compulsions through a combination of medical treatments, psychotherapy and spiritually-based interventions. This is done in order to ensure that all the physical, psychological and spiritual needs of the addicts are addressed properly. This in turn ensures that the addiction recovery is successful, and the former addict can even be used to encourage other addicts to enter treatment. It also improves family relationships as the successfully treated addict can now perform his or her familial duties, and in turn, the other family members can reciprocate by providing the former addict with the necessary support that he or she needs.
Each and every addiction treatment center does have a drug rehab program which guides its addiction treatment. Most of the drug rehab programs are derivatives of the 12-step program which was developed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). From the 12-step program, there has evolved the 12-step recovery, 12-step treatment and the 12-step rehab. A unique advantage of the 12-step program is that it seeks to ensure the permanency of the addiction recovery by addressing all the relevant physical, psychological and spiritual needs of the addicts. Also, there are specialized alcohol rehab centers and alcohol treatment centers which utilize modified versions of the 12-step programs to manage alcoholism.
Most addiction treatment centers are located in secluded locations in order to ensure that the addict maximizes his or her interactions with the fraternity of the drug treatment center. Faith-oriented addiction treatment centers do cater also for the religious and spiritual needs of the addict according to the religious teachings of the religious fraternity running the drug treatment center. The types of addiction treatments offered in addiction treatment centers include residential treatment, extended care programs, outpatient treatment, local support groups, medical care, addiction counseling, orthomolecular medicine and recovery houses. Some addiction treatment centers do provide age-specific and/or gender-specific rehabilitation programs. All forms of addiction treatment include aftercare monitoring as part of their overall treatment schedule.
Most addiction treatment centers do follow the 13 principles of effective addiction treatment. These principles are supported by empirical scientific evidence. The 13 principles were issued by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a subsidiary institute of the National Institutes of Health. The main aims of these principles is to ensure cost-effective management of drug addiction and treatment of related physical and/or mental illnesses with the aim of restoring the general wellbeing of the addict. These principles also aim to manage dysfunctional behaviors in order to restore normal functioning of the patient. Each of the 13 principles is described briefly below.
To begin with, there is no single treatment that is appropriate for all the patients committed to the addiction treatment center. This is because each addict has his or her own unique set of addiction(s) and associated health-related problems; and as such, the treatment regimen and selected interventions should match the treatment settings and the unique problems of each addict. Such an individualized treatment increases the probability that there will be complete addiction recovery for each addict treated. It also ensures that the former addict is able to function productively in the workplace, society and family settings. Another principle states that the appropriate treatment should be readily available. This is of importance because any addict who is about to enter treatment must be assured that apt treatment is available and readily accessible. As such, the potential drug treatment applicants would benefit from the opportunities and services offered by drug rehab programs.
There is also a principle which states that an effective treatment must cater for the multiple needs of an addict, not just his or her addiction problem. This implies that an effective treatment must cater for the addicts’ addiction alongside the associated medical, social, psychological, legal and vocational problems. Another principle states that the treatment plan for each addict must be continuously assessed and modified aptly as per the changing needs of the addict under treatment. This is informed by the fact that the various needs of the addict do respond differently to the treatment plan, and for the treatment to be effective, it must be responsive to these ever-changing needs.
For effective treatment, the addict must remain in treatment for a sufficient period of time. The time period is dictated by the unique problems and needs of the patient. Scientific studies have shown that significant improvements in addiction treatment outcomes do occur after a treatment period of over 3 months. Another principle states that counseling, psychotherapy and associated behavioral therapies are vital elements of an effective treatment plan, as they address the issues of motivation, substitute drug-using activities with more productive and rewarding drug-free activities, builds the patient’s capacity to resist (or avoid) drug abuse; and also drastically improve the problem-solving capabilities of the patient. Behavioral therapies do also improve interpersonal skills of the patient thereby enabling him or her to function normally in the family and society at large.
For effective treatment, it should be realized that medication is a vital component of the treatment plan, especially when it is combined with psychotherapy and appropriate counseling services. Medications do stabilize the physiological parameters of the patient and also reduces the craving for the illicit substance. Another principle states that both the addiction and any existing mental disorders should be treated together using an integrated treatment plan so as to ensure complete addiction recovery. There is also a principle which states that medical detoxification should be considered as the initial stage or phase of addiction treatment, and as such, it confers no lasting treatment to long-term addiction. 
There exists a principles which considers both voluntary and involuntary treatment to be both effective. However, it still requires strong motivation to expedite an effective treatment process and as such, sanctions and enticements can be used to involuntarily enter addicts into treatment and also ensure their compliance with the treatment plan. Another principle states that there must be continuous monitoring of possible drug abuse during the treatment period. The treatment programs should also assess for tuberculosis, Hepatitis B and C, HIV/AIDS, and other related infectious diseases, and that counseling must be offered to patients at risk of such infections. Finally, there is a principle which states that the process of addiction recovery can take a long time thereby necessitating several episodes of treatment.