Monday 17 November 2014


Human anatomy is an integral part of medical study. However, it is impossible for either an anatomy student or an anatomy lecturer to study or teach respectively using a living human being. This has necessitated the development of anatomical models which are an accurate representation of a live functional and normal human body or body parts.
Circulatory system anatomy is a core anatomy of the human body it is the organ  system which enables blood to circulate all over the body thereby transporting nutrients, oxygen, immune cells, carbon dioxide and hormones; and also to stabilize physiological pH along maintaining normal homeostasis. In an anatomy lab, the circulatory system is studied using various circulatory system models.
An apposite example of a circulatory system model is the Full-Figure Circulatory System Model KK-A61 supplied by Global technologies. This model provides an accurate representation of the entire human cardiovascular system and its features include blood vessels, liver, heart, spleen and kidneys. It also has a Keycard for identifying the various components of the circulatory system.

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